Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Please click this link: HYPNOSIS SEATTLE

and visit Sally Holmes Reed's Hypnosis Seattle Hypnotherapy Services website for more information about how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help you solve your problems, get results better than you ever expected, and create the life you desire, with less stress and more success.

We can lead extraordinary lives
and find fulfillment by listening
to what our problems and fears are telling us
and taking inspired action
to make the changes needed
to live a happy, healthy, abundant life.

Successful people are courageous.

We clear the fear, breakthrough boundaries,
overcome obstacles,
challenge the status quo,
refuse to give up,
because we consciously choose to move forward
and envision a brighter future for ourselves and create a better world for us all.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Paul Scheele "See Your Genius Mind in Action"

Hypnosis Network Ideal Weight Set

Hypnosis Network Ideal Weight Set

Paul Scheele’s Ideal Weight Paraliminal CD

Ideal Weight can enhance any weight-loss plan or diet. It offers an authentic approach of self-love and clear choices. And if you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight already, you will be able to enjoy great foods without putting on the pounds.

Our bodies give natural signals that say when to start eating, when to stop eating, and which foods to eat.

Ideal Weight helps you develop the awareness to eat when your body needs nourishment and eliminate eating for stress or emotional issues.

Peppermint and Cayenne Red Pepper Flakes support weight loss

wThis is from my friend, Michael Lovitch, Co Founder of The Hypnosis Network


When you are trying to shed pounds, it is all about taking in fewer calories.

And, any little tip or trick helps, right?

There are two items that may very well be in your cupboard already...

And the best part is, these are not things that cost a ton of money – these are items you can find at pretty much ANY local store!

Time to Hit The Grocery Store

Peppermint is the first new product you need to pick up!

You can find peppermint oil at a health food store, and it isn’t costly.

Experts are now saying even just the mere smell of the oil will make you eat less.

For a quick fix, take a sniff of some oil before a meal...OR...super easy – just chew some peppermint gum throughout the day.

Experiment & Results

In one study printed in the North American Journal of Psychology in 2007 at Wheeling University in Virginia, 40 volunteers were asked to sniff peppermint every 2 hours for five days.

After that, for another 5 days, they were given a placebo to sniff.

When the researchers compared the results, during the week they sniffed peppermint, on average, they consumed 1,800 fewer calories!(1)

That would be a little over ½ a week just by sniffing peppermint.

Mint is also a mild it might give you that push you need to get to the gym, too
Add Spice To Your Life

The second product is even easier to find, and I bet many of you already use something like this or own it...
Next time you fill your plate, simply add Red Pepper Flakes, (also called Cayenne flakes) to your meal.
Peppers, release capsaicin which fights fat and helps reduce your appetite.

Please note: store-bought hot sauce contains capsaicin too, but can contain sugar and other non-natural ingredients. Try a jalapeno or chilies for a fresh kick of hot, tasty spice, without extra calories or sugar.

Michael Lovitch
Co Founder
The Hypnosis Network

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Hypnotherapy Session Options
WELCOME from SALLY HOLMES REED, owner of HYPNOSIS SEATTLE, your consulting hypnotist and certified hypnotherapist, here in Seattle, WA, USA.

Are you looking for help in solving your problems and achieving your goals?

At Hypnosis Seattle, my goal is to help you make positive changes in your life and get the good feelings you want, with more success and less stress.

Safe and effective, hypnosis uses leading edge science to make positive changes happen in your life. Did you know that through hypnosis you can free your subconscious mind to give you what you want?

Hypnosis allows you to enter a wonderful state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This will help you feel better, more energized and feel positive about creating whatever you desire in your life.

What are you willing to give yourself, and accept for yourself? Any thoughts and ideas that may have been troubling you, or your inability to reach your goal, can change to something that supports you completely.

Now I would like to help you experience how to use your mind to achieve what you want, make changes, reduce stress, break old habits and feel good about yourself.

You probably know that learning and change take place at an unconscious level. Hypnosis allows you to easily access the creative part of yourself. See yourself making new choices.

Discover how hypnosis will bypass your critical mind and create a special psychological state which allows you to learn, grow and make positive change happen quickly and easily.

Leaving you free at a conscious level to relax and enjoy your experience during your hypnosis session. It will happen automatically so you don’t have to think about it now.

Begin by exploring what would be wonderful for you to achieve or change?


Many clients have multiple issues that come up even if they come in with only one problem they want to solve. Hypnosis and the other processes I use are able to resolve complex issues on every level, even if you are not consciously aware of them.

Some clients discover the cause of one problem and clear it and find that other issues are resolved as well. I call it "extra wellness" when several problems get resolved while you are working on another.

Balance your body, mind and spirit, reduce the effects of stress, and heal your emotions with fun, easy, safe and effective processes that work on an unconscious level.

Call or contact me now. CLICK HERE!

I look forward to helping each client solve their problems and so much more.

Take care, Sally


Why not claim your right to happiness right now?

Smile and look forward to a new future.

Do good things.