Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Please click this link: HYPNOSIS SEATTLE

and visit Sally Holmes Reed's Hypnosis Seattle Hypnotherapy Services website for more information about how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help you solve your problems, get results better than you ever expected, and create the life you desire, with less stress and more success.

We can lead extraordinary lives
and find fulfillment by listening
to what our problems and fears are telling us
and taking inspired action
to make the changes needed
to live a happy, healthy, abundant life.

Successful people are courageous.

We clear the fear, breakthrough boundaries,
overcome obstacles,
challenge the status quo,
refuse to give up,
because we consciously choose to move forward
and envision a brighter future for ourselves and create a better world for us all.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Transformation starts with a thought!

Mentor, Teacher, Catalyst for Women's Personal Growth and Transformation - Sally Canning

Transformation starts with a thought – the thought that change is possible – the thought that you can move from where you are now to where you would dearly love to be.

Begin with this simple process

Ask yourself:

1. What emotions do I feel right now?
2. What thoughts am I having that create this feeling?
3. How can I think about this in a way that feels just a little bit better?
4. Search for ANY thought that has a lighter feeling than the one you’ve held so far.
5. Hold that thought and notice the change it makes to your emotions (any change is better than none).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spirituality Is Key To Kids' Happiness, Study Suggests

Spirituality Is Key To Kids' Happiness, Study Suggests 
"To make children happier, we may need to encourage them to develop a strong sense of personal worth, according to Dr. Mark Holder from the University of British Columbia in Canada and his colleagues Dr. Ben Coleman and Judi Wallace. Their research shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships - both measures of spirituality - are happier. It would appear, however, that their religious practices have little effect on their happiness. These findings have been published in the online edition of Springer's Journal of Happiness Studies.
Both spirituality (an inner belief system that a person relies on for strength and comfort) and religiousness (institutional religious rituals, practices and beliefs) have been linked to increased happiness in adults and adolescents. In contrast, very little work has been done on younger children. In an effort to identify strategies to increase children's happiness, Holder and colleagues set out to better understand the nature of the relationship between spirituality, religiousness and happiness in children aged 8 to 12 years. A total of 320 children, from four public schools and two faith-based schools, completed six different questionnaires to rate their happiness, their spirituality, their religiousness and their temperament. Parents were also asked to rate their child's happiness and temperament.
The authors found that those children who said they were more spiritual were happier. In particular, the personal (i.e. meaning and value in one's own life) and communal (i.e. quality and depth of inter-personal relationships) aspects of spirituality were strong predictors of children's happiness. Spirituality explained up to 27 percent of the differences in happiness levels amongst children.
A child's temperament was also an important predictor of happiness. In particular, happier children were more sociable and less shy. The relationship between spirituality and happiness remained strong, even when the authors took temperament into account. However, counter intuitively, religious practices - including attending church, praying and meditating - had little effect on a child's happiness.
According to the authors, "enhancing personal meaning may be a key factor in the relation between spirituality and happiness." They suggest that strategies aimed at increasing personal meaning in children - such as expressing kindness towards others and recording these acts of kindness, as well as acts of altruism and volunteering - may help to make children happier."

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hypnosis Research

In an experiment at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, subjects were put inside a PET scanner, shown a slide with color rectangles, and their brain activity in the fusiform circuit was mapped.  Located on the occipital lobe, the fusiform circuit has been found to process the perception of color. Then they were shown a black-and-white slide and told to imagine its having a color. Then both tasks were repeated while under hypnosis.

The results, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2000, were striking. When the subjects truly saw the color rectangles, the fusiform circuit lit up on both sides of their brain; when they had to imagine the color, the circuit only lit up in the right hemisphere. Under hypnosis, though, both sides of the brain became active—just as in regular sight.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Home Frequency :

"Often people feel powerless to change their circumstances simply because they are unaware of the power they have waiting to be awakened inside them."

"Our thoughts feelings and mental pictures are materialized into the world we experience which reflects our inner world."

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Accomplishing Goals without Willpower

From :

Your conscious mind is only able to process approximately 50 bits of information a second, while your unconscious mind processes approximately 11 million bits per second [Source 3].

That means your unconscious mind processes information about 220 THOUSAND TIMES FASTER than your conscious mind.

Much of the time, your conscious mind is actually the bottleneck towards effecting true change, as its main role is getting you through the day in the here and now AND setting long term goals. (Researchers call this "Executive Control.")

The Trick Is to Have the Triggers for Your Desired Behaviors Reside in Your Unconscious Mind

For example, if your goal is weight control, you would naturally want your unconscious mind to automatically desire healthy green foods, water, healthy portions, exercise, etc… without having to think about it consciously.

If your goal is to be more productive, you would want the actions of setting goals, rewarding yourself for success, focusing on your projects to be automatic.

If you have to consciously think about it all the time, you will exhaust your resources.

If your goal is to have a better relationship, you would want to use hypnosis to program in natural triggers for listening, paying attention, giving space, and showing empathy, instead of always having to think about them.

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Hypnotherapy Session Options
WELCOME from SALLY HOLMES REED, owner of HYPNOSIS SEATTLE, your consulting hypnotist and certified hypnotherapist, here in Seattle, WA, USA.

Are you looking for help in solving your problems and achieving your goals?

At Hypnosis Seattle, my goal is to help you make positive changes in your life and get the good feelings you want, with more success and less stress.

Safe and effective, hypnosis uses leading edge science to make positive changes happen in your life. Did you know that through hypnosis you can free your subconscious mind to give you what you want?

Hypnosis allows you to enter a wonderful state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This will help you feel better, more energized and feel positive about creating whatever you desire in your life.

What are you willing to give yourself, and accept for yourself? Any thoughts and ideas that may have been troubling you, or your inability to reach your goal, can change to something that supports you completely.

Now I would like to help you experience how to use your mind to achieve what you want, make changes, reduce stress, break old habits and feel good about yourself.

You probably know that learning and change take place at an unconscious level. Hypnosis allows you to easily access the creative part of yourself. See yourself making new choices.

Discover how hypnosis will bypass your critical mind and create a special psychological state which allows you to learn, grow and make positive change happen quickly and easily.

Leaving you free at a conscious level to relax and enjoy your experience during your hypnosis session. It will happen automatically so you don’t have to think about it now.

Begin by exploring what would be wonderful for you to achieve or change?


Many clients have multiple issues that come up even if they come in with only one problem they want to solve. Hypnosis and the other processes I use are able to resolve complex issues on every level, even if you are not consciously aware of them.

Some clients discover the cause of one problem and clear it and find that other issues are resolved as well. I call it "extra wellness" when several problems get resolved while you are working on another.

Balance your body, mind and spirit, reduce the effects of stress, and heal your emotions with fun, easy, safe and effective processes that work on an unconscious level.

Call or contact me now. CLICK HERE!

I look forward to helping each client solve their problems and so much more.

Take care, Sally


Why not claim your right to happiness right now?

Smile and look forward to a new future.

Do good things.