Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?

Please click this link: HYPNOSIS SEATTLE

and visit Sally Holmes Reed's Hypnosis Seattle Hypnotherapy Services website for more information about how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help you solve your problems, get results better than you ever expected, and create the life you desire, with less stress and more success.

We can lead extraordinary lives
and find fulfillment by listening
to what our problems and fears are telling us
and taking inspired action
to make the changes needed
to live a happy, healthy, abundant life.

Successful people are courageous.

We clear the fear, breakthrough boundaries,
overcome obstacles,
challenge the status quo,
refuse to give up,
because we consciously choose to move forward
and envision a brighter future for ourselves and create a better world for us all.


Would you like to know what to expect from your hypnosis session?

Just minutes away from downtown Seattle, my office is pleasant, comfortable and relaxed, so when you arrive for your session you will immediately feel at ease.

Sometimes when you have had a problem for a long time, it may seem hard to balance the complexity of accepting it, while at the same time pursuing a solution and getting your hopes up.

Hypnosis is very positive and gentle, with no pressure to force you to make any changes that do not support you completely in getting the results you want in your life.

At Hypnosis Seattle, it is good to plan on up to 2 hours for your hypnosis session. The first half hour we will share information and you will tell me what you would like to change in your life.

Next, we will spend time learning some effective processes that will support you in the changes you will be making.

I will teach you a method of breathing and visualization to bring your mind and body into resonance and also show you a technique to easily access the Theta state of hypnosis.

In addition to hypnosis, there is a process using guided imagery that resolves any hidden conflicts that may be affecting your progress. There are also breathing techniques and a process called meridian tapping that I will teach you and you can use whenever you choose.

The last hour or so will be spent doing relaxation, induction, and hypnosis.

All my clients experience trance during each session.

Some of the work I do with my clients is in an active trance state, engaged in guided imagery, where the client is accessing Alpha and Theta brain wave states AND is fully awake and aware.

For the last half of each session, clients experience hypnosis as they recline in my comfortable zero-gravity chair.

Hypnosis has many levels that range from light to deep. Depth is just a metaphor used when speaking about hypnosis, as in the suggestion to go "deeper and deeper" into hypnosis. Hypnotic states are part of a continuum of regular consciousness, so you may reach many different hypnotic states during your session.

Hypnosis may not feel any different than your normal waking state of awareness.

During hypnosis, your conscious mind may remain focused on my words or it may drift off so you do not track what I am saying.

In my work, I tell my clients that it doesn’t matter what your conscious mind is doing during hypnosis, because your unconscious will be listening to everything I say and you can trust that you will go to the level of trance that is appropriate for you.

There is no pressure to perform, because all you have to do is relax.

You already know how to reach hypnotic states because you have been doing it your entire life whether you knew it or not. For example, you reach a state of hypnosis when you daydream, remember an event that happened in the past, drive a car, read a book, watch a good movie, listen to music, lie down to rest, etc.

Each time that you have an hypnosis session, you can reach deeper and deeper levels of awareness.

When we are done, you will feel calm, relaxed, refreshed, and ready to bring your full attention to the rest of your day.

Most of my clients see improvement after one or two sessions. Although when there are more complex factors involved, it may take more sessions to address what comes up for each individual.

Each person is unique and much depends on what issue you are wanting to resolve. Most clients like to schedule on a weekly basis. A few chose to come in more frequently and some like to take more time between sessions and schedule their sessions a month or more apart.

After you schedule your appointment, I will send you a confirmation E-mail with a small amount of paperwork to fill out and bring with you on the day of your appointment.

I look forward to helping you begin making positive changes in your life, starting right now!

Take care, Sally

Pay for your session with PayPal

Hypnotherapy Session Options
WELCOME from SALLY HOLMES REED, owner of HYPNOSIS SEATTLE, your consulting hypnotist and certified hypnotherapist, here in Seattle, WA, USA.

Are you looking for help in solving your problems and achieving your goals?

At Hypnosis Seattle, my goal is to help you make positive changes in your life and get the good feelings you want, with more success and less stress.

Safe and effective, hypnosis uses leading edge science to make positive changes happen in your life. Did you know that through hypnosis you can free your subconscious mind to give you what you want?

Hypnosis allows you to enter a wonderful state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This will help you feel better, more energized and feel positive about creating whatever you desire in your life.

What are you willing to give yourself, and accept for yourself? Any thoughts and ideas that may have been troubling you, or your inability to reach your goal, can change to something that supports you completely.

Now I would like to help you experience how to use your mind to achieve what you want, make changes, reduce stress, break old habits and feel good about yourself.

You probably know that learning and change take place at an unconscious level. Hypnosis allows you to easily access the creative part of yourself. See yourself making new choices.

Discover how hypnosis will bypass your critical mind and create a special psychological state which allows you to learn, grow and make positive change happen quickly and easily.

Leaving you free at a conscious level to relax and enjoy your experience during your hypnosis session. It will happen automatically so you don’t have to think about it now.

Begin by exploring what would be wonderful for you to achieve or change?


Many clients have multiple issues that come up even if they come in with only one problem they want to solve. Hypnosis and the other processes I use are able to resolve complex issues on every level, even if you are not consciously aware of them.

Some clients discover the cause of one problem and clear it and find that other issues are resolved as well. I call it "extra wellness" when several problems get resolved while you are working on another.

Balance your body, mind and spirit, reduce the effects of stress, and heal your emotions with fun, easy, safe and effective processes that work on an unconscious level.

Call or contact me now. CLICK HERE!

I look forward to helping each client solve their problems and so much more.

Take care, Sally


Why not claim your right to happiness right now?

Smile and look forward to a new future.

Do good things.