Sally is the owner of and the creator of the Channel Your Success Formula. Contact Sally to find out how you can get results that are better than you ever expected, unlike anything you will experience any where else.
Please find the information you need here:
Areis Building, Room 214
2366 Eastlake Ave E., Seattle, WA 98102
(206) 719-6660
"Sally Holmes Reed is an Author, Certified Master NLP Hypnotherapist, Transformational Results Coach, Energy Healer, and a lover of Flower and Energy Essences.
Since 2001, Sally has helped thousands of clients reach their goals through her private practice at Hypnosis Seattle and Akua Healing Arts and is currently developing group programs and webinars to bring her work to the global community".
- Author's Bio from the Amazon international bestseller anthology,
"Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age: Breathe Together in Harmony and Envision a New Future"
"Hypnotic Women Volume 1, A Collection of Therapeutic Stories, Scripts, Poems and Inductions"
Just minutes away from downtown Seattle, my office is pleasant, comfortable and relaxed, so when you arrive for your session you will immediately feel at ease.
Along with being an Hypnotherapist and Transformational Results Coach, I have an interesting background in architecture, mathematics and special education, as well as being a passionately dedicated natural health researcher, studying personal growth and complementary healing techniques.
My areas of training and expertise include: Certified Master Hypnotherapist; Consulting Hypnotist; Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Transformational Results Coach. The masters level Hypnosis/NLP training was done through a private university specializing in hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, Bennett Stellar University, and has been certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Additional training in:
Somatic Healing Technology through David Quigley’s Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis, Lisa Sasevich's Speak to Sell and Teleseminar Program, SpeakServeGrow Mentorship and Biz Club with Kristin Thompson, and Transformational Speaker Training through Christopher Howard's Rock House Global Training, offering cutting-edge tools available for accelerating human transformation, creating extraordinary leaders.
So grateful to be accepted into the Halau of traditional Hawaiian teachers, Harry Uhane Jim & Sila Lehua Bray Jim. Even though I am not native Hawaiian and am a malihini (newcomer), I have a deep respect for the Hawaiian culture and the gifts that the Aloha Spirit brings to all.
In addition to my Channel Your Success Formula, I am developing a new programs for both Achieving Healthy Weight and Addiction Relapse Prevention using hypnosis, modern brain science, and super green food nutrition to help change how the world treats obesity and addiction.
For many years I have done advocacy work as a Professional Special Needs Advocate for children and adults with specific learning disabilities and other special needs.
I was born in Seattle, graduated from Roosevelt High School, studied Architecture and Business at the University of Washington and then went on to develop a successful Architectural design business while raising my family. I now help people create what they want to feel on the inside and remodel the life they want to live.
I love the sun and the sand and am always an Island girl at heart. My other "office" is the beach at Shilshole / Golden Gardens. The Big Island of Hawai'i and Harstine Island in South Puget Sound are home away from home for me.
Kindness as a religion appeals to me. The Oceanic Way of the Polynesians, the Old Religion of the Celts, the Middle Way of the Buddhists and growing up Lutheran all are part of my spirituality.
I embrace the diversity of life, enjoying people of all ages and from many different walks of life.
Many know how much I love to read and thoroughly research the many subjects that capture my attention, such as the latest developments in my field of hypnosis and personal growth and change, network marketing, natural health and nutrition, and spirituality, with good fiction, poetry and a little quantum physics thrown in for fun.
I believe in living the best life possible, achieving a sense of happiness and well-being.
Think creatively, always looking for the benefits, opportunities and gifts, receiving the most beneficial outcome possible in each situation.
Take care, Sally
*May this work help in enlightening and in restoring peace of mind and a joyful heart.* Pascal