Are you ready to create positive lasting change in your life, starting right now?
Please click this link: HYPNOSIS SEATTLE
and visit Sally Holmes Reed's Hypnosis Seattle Hypnotherapy Services website for more information about how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help you solve your problems, get results better than you ever expected, and create the life you desire, with less stress and more success.
We can lead extraordinary lives
and find fulfillment by listening
to what our problems and fears are telling us
and taking inspired action
to make the changes needed
to live a happy, healthy, abundant life.
Successful people are courageous.
We clear the fear, breakthrough boundaries,
overcome obstacles,
challenge the status quo,
refuse to give up,
because we consciously choose to move forward
and envision a brighter future for ourselves and create a better world for us all.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Understand How The Mind Works
The conscious mind is our short-term memory.
It is the logical, reasoning, decision-making part of the mind. It's the part of our brain that controls our will-power. In order to make positive changes and become mentally fit, we need to be consciously aware of the need for change, be motivated to get better, and believe we can achieve our goal. The conscious is the part of the mind that is in-charge. It makes up about 12% of our brain-capacity.
The subconscious mind is our long-term memory.
It makes up the other 88% and it always hears, always pays attention and is anxiously awaiting instructions on how to help the proper way. It is the most powerful computer ever created, capable of running multiple tasks simultaneously. It does not judge, criticize, analyze or reject. It simply records and reacts. It does not understand, does not have a sense of humor and it takes everything literally.
The mind is like a computer. The subconscious is like the operating system, always on, in the background, doing all the basic functions that we don't have to "think about" such as breathing, walking, etc. The subconscious doesn't know the difference between fact and fiction; it just stores information and reacts according to the information stored.
Everything to the subconscious, whether real or imagined, is a FACT.
The conscious mind meanwhile, is in the foreground executing our behavior. This is where we get our "will-power".
Between the conscious and the subconscious is a sort of filter, called the "critical mind". (You probably know it as "critical thinking".) This filter helps to protect us, keeping us from taking in information that is incorrect or negative, sort of like our own personal little Spam-filter. Sometimes, however, negative or incorrect information slips through this filter and goes into our subconscious. Once it is in the subconscious, it is locked in and is very difficult to change, at least on the conscious level.
If we want to change a behavior, we just need to "hack in" to the subconscious and modify the existing belief system (reprogramming the operating system).
We do this through Hypnosis.
How many times have you tried to do something that required Will-Power, only to fail? It doesn't mean that you're weak. You see, the conscious mind, where Will-Power and Reason come from, only uses up approximately 12% of our Brain-Power. The other 88% comes from the subconscious.
While in hypnosis, the critical mind gets placed in the background, allowing the subconscious mind to open up and accept positive suggestions (like turning off the spam-filter to allow a specific program to download onto your hard-drive). In this way, we can "download" new suggestions into your subconscious to change your way of thinking, therefore helping you to achieve your goals!
It's very simple really. Once a suggestion is "downloaded" into the subconscious mind, it is considered a "known fact".
We often use self-suggestion in our everyday lives, many times without even realizing we're doing it. You see, it all has to do with the way that we perceive ourselves to be.
Our subconscious mind is innocent and naive. It tries to protect and help us as much as possible, and tries the best way it knows how. However, having the intelligence level of approximately a four year old child, many times it does not help us the proper way and needs to be redirected.
This is where hypnosis comes in. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective means of achieving habit control to correct problems.
Edited excerpt from The Reason Diets Don't Work by Sheila Kharfaoui
Profound Changes
The New York Times - Science Times - November 22, 2005, by Sandra Balkeslee
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Recovery rates for various treatments.
- 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy:
- 72% recovery after 22 sessions
- 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a person’s issues. Through the process of hypnosis the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the person and practitioner the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience/cause. These surrounding feelings can be healed, thus empowering the person to live the life they want to live.
Hypnosis can be more effective and may work more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. In a hypnotic state, you are more receptive to new ideas and you can more effectively process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.
Hypnosis is a special form of communication with the subconscious mind where habits are established and memory is stored. The more detailed your image is of your goal and the stronger you experience the feeling of getting the results you desire, the faster your subconscious mind will create the changes you desire. Once your subconscious accepts a new idea, you automatically accept it at a conscious level.Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind that is between the aware state and sleep. Driving a route you are familiar with and not being conscious of every turn you make is similar to the hypnotic state.
Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind, which makes up 90% of your brain which stores all memory. With hypnosis, you reprogram and release thought patterns and habits to make desirable, lasting changes in your life.
You are in control: Hypnosis is completely relaxing and you are completely aware during the experience. It's a myth that someone is making you do something. The hypnotherapist helps you connect with your subconscious mind, which puts YOU in control of your subconscious mind—the most powerful and empowering aspect of your brain. Hypnosis restores your freedom of choice!
Edited excerpt from Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author, international speaker and inspirational leader specializes in: Healing Mind, Body, Spirit using Hypnosis.
Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Get clear!
You can change your thoughts. Start noticing what goes through your head. If you don’t like it, start consciously changing it. Choose new thoughts.
Ask for whatever you want to do, be or have, but also be willing for the universe to give you something better.
Begin a new, healthier, happier life. Begin it right now. Look at your life and release any fear and feel the trust.
What does it feel like to consider already having what you want?
See it in your mind and feel it as if it is already complete. Feel the feeling of what you want, as if you already have it. The energy in the emotion will work to pull you toward what you want and pull what you want toward you.
Pay for your session with PayPal
Are you looking for help in solving your problems and achieving your goals?
At Hypnosis Seattle, my goal is to help you make positive changes in your life and get the good feelings you want, with more success and less stress.
Safe and effective, hypnosis uses leading edge science to make positive changes happen in your life. Did you know that through hypnosis you can free your subconscious mind to give you what you want?
Hypnosis allows you to enter a wonderful state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This will help you feel better, more energized and feel positive about creating whatever you desire in your life.
What are you willing to give yourself, and accept for yourself? Any thoughts and ideas that may have been troubling you, or your inability to reach your goal, can change to something that supports you completely.
Now I would like to help you experience how to use your mind to achieve what you want, make changes, reduce stress, break old habits and feel good about yourself.
You probably know that learning and change take place at an unconscious level. Hypnosis allows you to easily access the creative part of yourself. See yourself making new choices.
Discover how hypnosis will bypass your critical mind and create a special psychological state which allows you to learn, grow and make positive change happen quickly and easily.
Leaving you free at a conscious level to relax and enjoy your experience during your hypnosis session. It will happen automatically so you don’t have to think about it now.
Begin by exploring what would be wonderful for you to achieve or change?
Many clients have multiple issues that come up even if they come in with only one problem they want to solve. Hypnosis and the other processes I use are able to resolve complex issues on every level, even if you are not consciously aware of them.
Some clients discover the cause of one problem and clear it and find that other issues are resolved as well. I call it "extra wellness" when several problems get resolved while you are working on another.
Balance your body, mind and spirit, reduce the effects of stress, and heal your emotions with fun, easy, safe and effective processes that work on an unconscious level.
Call or contact me now. CLICK HERE!
I look forward to helping each client solve their problems and so much more.
Take care, Sally
Why not claim your right to happiness right now?
Smile and look forward to a new future.
Do good things.